you totally excited or what Bestie?” Olivia beamed at me from the window seat
of our first class seats.
I can’t believe we are going to Vegas for my Bachelorette party!” I was beyond
excited for a weekend getaway with my two best friends, Audrey and Olivia. It
was crazy to think in two short months I was going to be getting married to my
boyfriend, Cain Stratford. We had met in law school during our third year and
we had become study partners. It took Cain all of three study sessions before
he asked me out with such confidence it stunned me at first. But I knew on that
first date we were perfectly matched. We had similar passions and goals in life. We
made complete sense.
for one can’t wait to get my party on.” Audrey announced from beside me, shifting
my attention back to our ensuing trip. I was way overdue for a vacation. I was
exhausted between planning this wedding and working endlessly as a new
associate attorney at large firm. I was hoping this three day vacation would be
the perfect thing to reenergize me.
shit.” I heard Olivia shriek as I rummaged through my bag on the floor in front
of me.
did you forget?” I look over at her but her eyes are wide and her face is
locked on the front of the plane.
follow the direction in which Livy is looking and I gasped. I couldn’t help it.
The mere sight of him sent my body and my mind into overdrive. It took just a
half a second before his eyes locked onto mine and a hint of a grin spread wide
across his lips. Fuck my life!
no, here we go.” I heard Audrey say from the seat next to mine but I couldn’t respond
to her. I felt like I was having an out of body experience. What are the chances that the one that got
away, or in my case the one that ran away, ends up crashing my Bachelorette
* * *
Years Earlier…
was spring break and I was home in Huntsville celebrating almost being done
with my senior year at the University of Tennessee. I was with Audrey and
Olivia of course. We were on our second round of mojitos when a particularly
gangly looking guy approached us.
ladies, what’s up?” He was obviously drunk.
much.” I jumped in before Livy got ahold of him. I love her but she isn’t the
most patient person when it comes to drunken morons.
my friends and I were just wondering if you ladies wanted to share a drink with
us.” He said swaying as he talked.
that’s nice but I think we are okay.” I told him politely.
Well if ya’ll change your mind we will be over there.” He pointed to a table
full of guys that we had been ogling all night. The bar was pretty empty for a
Thursday and the group of good looking guys had immediately grabbed our
attention. We had chosen to go to our local hang out Havens. It was a hole in
the wall kind of joint, but it always provided endless entertainment.
Those are your friends?” Livy asked him, her mouth totally hanging open in
astonishment that this kid would even know the hot guys across the bar.
Well, have a nice night.” The drunken
guy said and headed back toward his friends.
we are coming with you.” Audrey piped up. She stood up and gave Livy and me a
look indicating we were to stand up as well.
followed behind Audrey and Livy as they proceeded to make their entrance. I was
the shortest of the three of us. Being 5’8” isn’t really considered short but
compared to my 5’10 friends; I’m the shorty spice in the group. I watched as
Audrey sashayed her way toward the table. Audrey of course is gorgeous. She has
a supermodel frame that is all leg. She has soft brown hair that is medium in
length. She has loosely curled it tonight giving her a very southern belle
also struts her way over to the table with her signature flare. Livy is also
all leg but she has subtle curves that drive men crazy. Being part Hawaiian, she had that exotic thing going for her. She has jet black hair and the most
amazing golden skin that I swear actually glows. She should be a freaking
swimsuit model. It’s so not fair.
I’m not like my two best friends, I am not all leg. I am mostly long torso with
some dramatic curves. Livy and Audrey are always telling me my curves are
amazing and I suppose they are right. I know big butts are in thanks to Kim
Kardashian, so I guess I have that going for me. I grabbed my stick straight
long blonde hair and tossed it over one of my shoulders. I don’t know why I was
so nervous to talk to these guys but something in the back of my mind told me
to be on edge.
caught up to the girls so we all reached the table at the same time. That’s
when it happened. As I approach the table I came face to face with the most hypnotic
piercing blue eyes I had ever seen. I felt the air in the bar being sucked out
and my mind raced like I was having a dizzy spell. I don’t hear or see anything
but him, it was like everyone around us disappeared and it was just us. He has
the most delicious tan skin, it was flawless. I could see just a bit of his
blonde hair sticking out from underneath his baseball hat and it intrigued me.
I wanted immediately to pull it from his head and run my hands through it. The
rest of him was just as delicious. His perfectly sculpted frame was tucked away
behind a white button up shirt and khaki shorts, but I could still see the
outline of hard muscle underneath his clothes.
are my friends.” The drunken guy said pulling me back to reality.
guys all said hello in unison and I watched as they all postured to see who
gets to talk to which girl.
blue eyes stood up from the table and put his hand out to me. “I’m Jamieson
Wellington.” He said in the deepest sexiest voice I think I had ever heard.
I’m Jenna Middleton.” I extended my hand out to meet his. The second I touched
his hand I felt a wave of heat run through my whole body and felt flushed. Holy heck, I have never felt something like
that before.
Jenna Middleton can I buy you a drink?” He flashed me a smile that had trouble
written all over it.
would you like?”
whiskey sour please.” I told him.
ordered my drink when the waitress had returned. He also found me a chair; conveniently
it was right next to his. I looked around the table as I waited for my drink,
trying to stamp out my nervousness. Audrey was talking to a very handsome
looking guy with dramatic chiseled cheek bones. Livy was talking to guy whom I
think said his name was Julian. He was obviously South American of some sort
and completely hot. His accent alone was utterly intoxicating.
tell me Jenna. Why haven’t our paths crossed until now? Are you from Huntsville?”
Jamieson asked me looking intrigued.
I was born and raised in Huntsville, but I have been going to school in
Knoxville. I’m a senior this year.”
old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?” Okay,
kind of odd but I’ll answer him.
How old are you?” I asked him in return.
bit older. That probably explains why we have not met until now.” He drawled in
his southern accent.
is your major?” He asked and then took a sip of his drink.
science.” I told him.
I’m impressed. Stunning and smart. That is a lethal combination.” Flashing me a
wicked grin that sent my nerves back into overdrive.
was blushing now and sure to be twelve shades of red any minute. “Thanks.”
and I continued to chat back and forth for a long time. He asked me lots of
questions but rarely gave me any hints into his life. I asked him questions
like he was asking me but he artfully avoided really answering them. I realized
quite quickly that I was in over my head here. Jamieson was completely skilled
when it came to flittering, he was an expert. He was a lion and I was his prey.
The sad part was I didn’t feel that bad about it. I was totally in awe of him.
He was sexy as hell and funny too. He didn’t seem to have a problem making fun
of himself or his friends for that matter. I thought that to be a bit odd considering
I could tell this crowd was wealthy. Just from the way they conducted
themselves, which was very intimidating. It wasn’t that my family was hard up
or anything, we weren’t, but there was a difference between being comfortable
and truly wealthy. I had a feeling Jamieson Wellington came from old southern
money, the kind that I most definitely had no clue about.
shit! Mitch just got hit in the face!” One of the guys at the table shouted
out. I snapped my head around to see a large husky guy punch their drunken
friend in the face.
instantly flew backwards as the four boys jumped up to the aid of their friend.
I looked over at the girls and we watched as the guys stormed out front of the
got to see this.” Olivia said standing up and quickly making her way toward the
exit. Audrey and I glanced at each other and then jogged to catch up with
we get out to the front of the bar there was a full on brawl taking place, it was
hard to even understand what was happening.
I could see fists flying and I think I made out the back of Jamieson’s
head in the middle of the crowd. We pushed past the small crowd forming and I saw
Julian had their friend Mitch up against the brick wall holding him back
looking at his bloody nose. I felt bad for Mitch. He may have been kind of a
drunken idiot but he seemed harmless. I could see why the guys were protective of
him, he didn’t mean any harm he was just kind of clueless.
I got closer to the center of what was happening I saw Jamieson and my heart
stopped. He was fighting the husky guy from the bar. It’s was a fairly even
match but the big guy was definitely getting some good hits in.
have no idea what possessed me but I took a step forward like I was going to intervene
when a large arm stopped me. “Ladies I think it’s safer if we stand over here.”
The dark haired guy Audrey was talking to ushered us off the sidewalk next to
the parked cars. “Watch your step there is a curb there.”
could tell this guy was a pretty boy. It was obvious from the fact all of his
friends were fighting but he remained completely scuff-free. I don’t know why
that bothered me but it did. “Aren’t you going to stop them?” I asked him, my
annoyance laced my voice.
they need a good fight every once in a while.” He said to me like it was no big
saw something fly through the air and land in a clatter flying across the
pavement. I crouched down to look at what it was and I could see it was a cell
phone. I think its Jamieson’s. “Hey I think your friend’s cell phone just
landed under that car.” I said to pretty boy.
probably.” He clearly gave a shit less about the phone or any of the events
transpiring before him.
aren’t you going to get it?” I asked dumbfounded. I looked at Livy and Audrey to see if they were
paying attention but they were too concerned with the fight.
I don’t want get dirt on my new shirt.” He said coolly.
infuriated me. I stomped over next to the car and bent down to pick it up, not
caring I was in a mini skirt.
what the hell are you doing? Your butt is hanging out?” Olivia asked freaking
I think this is that guy’s cell phone and it flew off under this car. He probably
will want it later.” I said as I got down on all fours to reach under the car.
took a minute but I grabbed the cell phone and climbed out from underneath the
car. When I popped up there were three sets of eyes totally staring at me.
I asked. “It’s not like he was going to get it.” I said motioning to the
useless pretty boy.
all dirty.” Audrey said as she helped me dust off my skirt.
it’s alright. It’s just a little dirt.” I told her unconcerned.
looked around to see what was happening with the fight now. Climbing under the
car had only taken a few seconds but it felt like longer because the fight had
moved down the sidewalk.
alright break it up you knuckle heads.” A huge grizzly looking man said as he
crashed in between Jamieson and the husky guy.
recognized the big guy as a bouncer from Havens. He stood in between Jamieson
and the other guy forcing them to walk away in separate directions. The husky
guy hurled some insults at Jamieson and then slowly began to walk away with his
friends. Jamieson started walking back up the sidewalk towards us. He walked up
to Mitch and Julian squinting at Mitch’s nose. He looked at it closely, clearly
checking out the damage.
“I don’t think its broke bud.” He said in an
even tone.
sorry man. I swear I didn’t know she was married.” Mitch said looking a bit
alright, could have happened to anyone.” Jamieson said and pats Mitch on the
watched this whole exchange like I was watching a movie. It didn’t seem real
somehow. I was in awe watching Jamieson
go from raging maniac to calm concerned friend in seconds. I know it shouldn’t excite
me but somewhere deep down, it did.
turned around and looked over at the group of us as if he could tell we were
watching him. He slowly began striding over to us. I could see his white shirt was
totally trashed. It had blood all over it, some of it was his and some of it was
the other guys. He had a fairly large cut above his eyebrow which made my
stomach turn. I assumed he was coming to talk to his friends but instead he
continued on until he was squarely in front of me.
sorry you had to see all that.” He said watching my face for a reaction.
no worries.” I stammered. “Here, I think your cell phone fell out of your
pocket.” I said and thrust my hand out holding the phone forward towards him.
He said quietly and took the phone from my hand. When his hand brushed mine
electricity melted its way straight up my arm.
was nothing.” I blushed a bit under his stare.
right you totally climbed under the car to get it and ruined your skirt in the
process.” Audrey exclaimed. Thanks
did that for me?” His eyes went dark and intriguing.
knew you would probably want it.” I have no idea what I should have said to him.
My mind had suddenly gone blank. We just stared at each other sharing some sort
of weird silent connection.
you ladies want to meet us at Hals in a bit?” Julian piped up from across the
sidewalk putting an end to the weird connection between Jamieson and me.
was a famous local dinner. It was the original greasy spoon, but it hit the
spot perfectly after a night of drinking.
Livy said a bit eagerly.
meet us there in a half hour?” Julian said as the guys started to walk toward
their vehicles.
however, didn’t move. He was still staring at me.
going to come right?” He asked me.
it sounds like it.” I tried to play it cool.
I’ll see you soon.” He said quietly. He hesitated as he turned to leave but
finally found his momentum and jogged to catch up with his friends.
to Jenna. Come in Jenna.” Audrey waved her hand in front of my face waking me
from my daze.
hey.” I said groggily from my trance.
the heck was all that about?” Livy asked with her hands on her hips. Audrey
stood behind her with the same question on her face.
really have no idea.” I told them truthfully.
whatever it is, it looked like trouble.” Livy said smiling. “And you know
trouble can be a very good thing, right?” Her grin said it all; she thinks
Jamieson and I were going to hook up or something. Olivia and Audrey always
gave me a tough time about loosening up and living a little. It wasn’t that I
was stuck-up or anything, it was just that I was focused and I didn’t want
anything to distract me from my goals.
shook my head at them and began walking toward our car.
* * *
had been almost an hour and a half. Audrey, Olivia and I sat in a corner booth
at Hals all looking a bit forlorn. We finally gave up and had ordered food. We were
now finished eating and the guys were still a no show.
they had to take their friend to get checked out at the hospital? He did take a
nasty hit to the face.” Audrey said.
maybe we just were stood up.” Livy bit back.
whatever, I’m tired. Let’s just head home.” I said faking my tiredness. I knew
Audrey and Livy were upset because they were enjoying our time with the hot guys
but I also knew they would get over it by tomorrow night. I however, felt a
weird sense of loss. I couldn’t really describe why I felt that way but I did.
It bothered me that I felt like that; I had no right to feel that way. After
all we had just met and it wasn’t like I even really knew the guy. I just needed to go home and try to forget
about ever meeting Jamieson Wellington. Stay focused Jenna you are so close to
graduating, just stay focused.
Chapter One
“Let’s go Jenna!
I’m ready to get my drink on so hurry up.” Livy hollered at me through the
bathroom door of our luxury suite at the Venetian. I was finished getting
ready, but all I could do was stand in front of the mirror looking at myself in
shock. I knew Audrey and Olivia understood why seeing Jamieson was blowing my
mind but I don’t think they totally got it, and how could they? Not even they
knew the entire history between us. How on
earth did I get myself in this situation and how in the hell am I going to get
out of it unscathed?
do this.” After taking a steadying deep breath I opened the door to join my
look hot girl!” Audrey’s bright smile helped my nerves slightly. It had taken
me over an hour to even pick an outfit. I finally settled on my tight black lace
dress. It was short, tight and it was backless. It showed off every one of my killer
curves to the best of their abilities.
you do girl. Now let’s go show Jamieson Wellington what he will be missing for
the rest of his life.”
flashed a smile back at them and we preceded to the find the elevator.
chose a black and gold bandage dress that was one shouldered. It showcased her
long Hawaiian legs perfectly. Audrey had chosen to wear an equally jaw-dropping
dress. It was bright red, skin tight and strapless. It hugged her dainty frame
we piled into the elevator to head to the club I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmingly
nervous. I tried my best to choke down my nerves but a tiny voice kept telling
me nothing will be the same after
* * *
the girls and I approached the line for the club we could see it was stretched
down the hallway and all the way to the bank of elevators we just emerged from.
I felt a bit relieved hoping we couldn’t get in and that finally destiny would
work in my favor.
Long time no see.” I knew that voice instantly. It was Derrick Bedlington,
pretty boy extraordinaire. When I met Derrick I instantly disliked him. He had
such obnoxious good looks and he knew it. He was beyond cocky and perhaps
rightfully so. Derrick was from old money; his parents were real estate tycoons
in Alabama owning everything from high-rises to farm land. Thus why his inner
circle consisted of Jamieson Wellington heir to America’s largest whiskey
distillery and Julian Vega sole heir to the Dominican Republic’s largest cocoa
Derrick.” I heard Audrey coo from beside me. Those two had been playing a
ridiculous cat-and-mouse game for the past five years and I for one couldn’t
wait until they hooked up and got it over with.
we have a table inside.” Derrick motioned for us to step aside of the line and
past the bouncers and front door staff. “The table is courtesy of James… in
honor of Jenna’s upcoming nuptials of course.”
mere mention of his name made my head snap back and search Derricks face for
any private knowledge he may be hiding. Derrick however revealed absolutely
we entered the long dark tunneled hallway I heard Habits by Tove Lo thumping through the speakers and I choked back
the bile I felt rising in my throat. I knew he would be there waiting for me, I
knew he would be looking gorgeous like always and I knew there was no way I
will be able to resist him.
turned a corner and followed Derrick past the private VIP tables. I should have
known that Jamieson would have picked the most private table in the club. He
wanted to talk and he wanted me secluded enough to accomplished that goal. He was
sitting in the far corner of our private table looking smug. He stood as soon
as he saw us approaching. I meet his gaze and silently cursed. I had hoped
after all this time that the potency of our connection had lessened but
unfortunately I was wrong. If anything it was worse, so much worse.
music around us was drowned out, all the people surrounding us disappeared and
it was just us. His eyes scanned my body
and I knew he was taking in my very tight lace dress. I could tell he
appreciated it because the corners of his mouth tilted up slightly and I saw a
flash of heat in his eyes. I continued to walk toward him slowly but
deliberately as if he was pulling me toward him. It has been a long time since
I saw him last. I could see a touch of age around his eyes but he still looked
as handsome as ever. Jamieson Wellington has always been the most handsome man
in my eyes and tonight was no different. He was dressed in dark jeans and dark
blue and purple pinstriped button up shirt. I could see the shirt was a luxury
brand from the way the material shimmered ever so slightly in the dim club
lights. His dirty blonde hair was perfectly styled showcasing his wicked blue
eyes that continued to bore holes into mine.
knew Audrey and Olivia were behind me. I could hear them chatting with Derrick
and greeting Julian. I was being rude ignoring everyone but I couldn’t break
the connection with Jamieson, we were having our own silent discussion of
sorts. I came to stand in front of him and I cast my eyes down toward the floor
trying to shield myself from his intense scrutiny.
Jenna. It’s been far too long, don’t you think?”
cold sexy voice gave me chills. I forced myself to look up at him again. “Yes
it has Jamieson.”
motioned for me to sit and I did.
He asked.
leaned forward to grab an already-made drink from the table and handed it to
me. “I hope you still drink whiskey sours. I took the liberty of making sure
you have an endless supply tonight.”
took the drink and began sipping it. “Thank you.”
leaned forward and grabbed what I assumed was his drink, a whiskey on the rocks
no doubt. It is the only thing I had ever seen him drink.
I guess congratulations are in order.” He said with a dark tone to his voice.
“When is the wedding?”
“Two months.” I replied between sips of my
you happy?” His words hit me and I almost spit my drink all over my lap. Well I can see he is not going to beat
around the bush.
we are.” I replied quickly hoping to end this line of questioning.
leaned forward and set his drink down on the edge of the table. He then turned
toward me and I see his eyes are burning with anger. “Do not lie to me Jenna.” Excuse me!?!?
allowed his anger to wash over me, soaking it up as fuel for my come back. I
took a long sip of my drink for added courage. “Why are you here Jamieson? I
know this isn’t a friendly coincidence, things with you never are.”
“I think you know why I’m here.” He said and
leaned back against the cushions of the VIP booth.
I do not. So please enlighten me!”
told you a long time ago but it seems you may have forgotten.” He tells me with
a hint of a smile playing across his lips.
are you talking about?” I was getting tired of his games.
you have forgotten…interesting.” He was clearly smiling at me now.
know that whatever you’re talking about doesn’t matter now, right? I’m engaged,
as in I’m getting married.” I was beyond frustrated.
flashed in his face. “You may be engaged Jenna but you most certainly aren’t married,
not yet.”
I knew I could push harder and try to get him to confess why he was crashing my
bachelorette party but I also knew I wasn’t prepared to find out, so I left it
continued to sip my whiskey sour and stewed about Jamieson’s arrogant and angry
behavior. I tried my best to ignore him and concentrate on the conversations
around the table. Olivia was busily chatting to Julian about her recent trip to
Milan. After graduating from Alabama State with a degree in advertising she landed
her dream job working for a fashion magazine. Olivia now has the horribly
daunting job of traveling around the world to the biggest fashion shows selling
advertising spots. She clearly hates it.
and Audrey were also easily bantering back and forth. Derrick was rousing
Audrey about working for “the man.” Audrey had gone to law school with me at
Vanderbilt. She was now working for the prosecuting attorney’s office in
Huntsville. Audrey is brilliant at her job she has a passion for the law and it
clearly showed as I listened to her talk to Derrick.
couldn’t be prouder of my two best friends and all their accomplishments, but
it made me sad thinking of my upcoming move. Cain had accepted a job at his
family’s firm in Mobile so after the wedding we will be moving. Cain came from
a long line of attorneys. Both of Cains parents were attorneys. In fact when
his mother and father married their families’ firms merged creating a super
firm of sorts. They had offices all over Alabama and his father was grooming
him to take over the firm as he had accepted a judgeship in Montgomery.
drawn out of my sad thoughts when I feel a familiar hand on my wrist. I knew
while I was ignoring him he was analyzing me. I could feel him staring at me. I
was trying my best to be immune to his gaze, but his touch I never have been
immune to.
looked up at his face through the darkness of the club but I could see he wasn’t
looking at me but my hand, my left hand to be exact.
this it?” He said in a dark bruiting tone.
I choked out. I knew he disapproved of my simple engagement ring, but I thought
it was beautiful. Cain had picked it out and surprised me one night at dinner.
I wasn’t shocked when he proposed. With Cain there were no surprises; things
were just easy, predictable I guess.
thought his family had money.” Holy
freaking rude much!
scoffed at his comment and snatched my hand away from his. “I think it is
not right.” He continued.
had had enough. I quickly stood to escape to the bathroom, it was all too much.
I couldn’t handle being close to him, him touching me, analyzing me and now
clearly judging me.
tried to make my way past Olivia but my dreaded song came on. Olivia and Audrey
have been my friends since middle school and for as long as I could remember,
Sir Mix-A-Lots I like Big Butts had
been our anthem. Shitballs there goes my
exit plan.
and Olivia screamed in unison and stood up grabbing my arm dragging me to the
dance floor.
got to the middle of the dance floor and Olivia spins me around to face them.
“Okay spill it. What in the hell is he doing here?”
don’t know. I asked him but he wouldn’t tell me he just said I knew why he was
here, but I have no idea.”
clearly he is here to see you.” Audrey chimed in.
well I guess there is only one way to find out.” Livy turns to storm back
toward the table but I stop her.
just leave it. He won’t tell you and I’d rather just ignore it for now.” I
but if he pisses me off I’m going to ask him.”
just pretend he isn’t here, drink his booze and do what we came here to do…
party!” Audrey exclaims.
follow me. I think we need shots.” Livy added.
and I followed behind her to the bar where she ordered our favorite shots,
Washington red apples.
slammed down three and made a silent pledge to myself to have fun no matter
what. Just don’t black out in the process,
you have never been great at holding your liquor!
Chapter Two
June 2009…
Audrey and I stood in line at Gossips a local gay bar in Huntsville, Alabama.
It was a Friday and like most bars in Hunstsville they all had their prime
nights. Fridays were definitely Gossips. Regardless of whether it was gay bar
or not, everyone packed in to dance to the latest house mixes. Tonight was no
different, it being the first night of summer break the line was down the block
and then some.
better pray Barry is working the door tonight or that Jenna’s skirt is short
enough to showcase that booty.” Livy chided me.
like your prayers have been answered.” Audrey said striding her way to the
front of the line in her sky high stilettos.
we got closer I could see what my ubber tall friends could already see, our
friend Barry was working the door. We had become friends with the bouncer over
the years since we had turned twenty-one. Barry worked at Gossips as well as
our favorite bar Havens. He was a huge burly guy with a bald head and lots of
tattoos. If I had met him on the street in the middle of the night I would have
probably run in the other direction screaming, but over the years we had gotten
to know him. He was a sweet guy and for whatever reason he loved us.
Barry greeted us with a huge smile ushering us past the long line and into the
Barry.” We each said as we passed him, giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek.
Paid!” He yelled to the cashier inside the club letting him know there would be
no cover charge for us.
we entered the club a remix of Jamie Foxx & T-Pain’s Blame It pours out of the speakers.
Audrey asked from beside me.
rounds on me!” Livy shouted over the music.
cut a path to the bar to order our drinks. I stood behind Livy as she flirted
with the bartender and that is when I felt it.
air got thick with electricity and the music turned to a low rumble in the back
ground. There was only one other time in my life I had felt this way and that
was the night I met Jamieson Wellington. As that realization dawns on me I began
to search the crowd and to my total amazement I spotted him just entering the
bar with his friends.
sucked in a sharp breath seeing him for the first time in months. I had only
met him once but the intense attraction I felt for him was undeniable. Many
nights I had laid awake thinking of him and the connection between us. I had
convinced myself it was all in my head but seeing him again made it all so real.
continued to watch him from across the bar make his way toward me. He clearly
hadn’t noticed us or maybe he didn’t remember me. Perhaps I was just another
face in the crowd to him. I watched as he passed in front of me with his
friends heading to the far end of the bar where a beautiful female bartender
worked. As he got closer to me I scrutinized everything about him. I had hoped
that maybe over the months I had just built him up in my head, that maybe I
remembered him differently. Unfortunately for me that was not the case.
Jamieson Wellington was still classically handsome with his dirty blonde hair
and bright blue eyes. He still had the body of a Greek God and the obvious
ability to draw all the female attention around him.
continued to appreciate his stunning good looks when his eyes caught mine.
Immediately I casted my eyes downward and a felt a deep blush covering my cheeks. I
waited a few painful seconds and then stole a glance back at him hoping he was
far enough away from me now that he couldn’t see me watching him. When I looked
back at him he had stopped dead in his tracks and was staring at me wide eyed.
I again freaked out and looked down turning to face my friends.
me. It’s Jenna, right?” Shit, shit, shit.
I’m busted!
turned around to be met with the sharp and steely gaze of Jamieson Wellington,
my stomach turned completely inside out.
I said trying to seem unaffected.
do you remember me? We met a few months ago at Havens.” I could feel his eyes
roam over my body and I couldn’t deny I liked it.
course we remember you asshats. You guys stood us up.” Livy declared while handing
me my drink.
heard the guy behind Jamieson chuckle, I’m pretty sure his name was Julian.
“Yes about that, listen we are sorry. I went home so I could change my shirt and by the time we got to Hals you had left.” Jamieson was clearly explaining everything to the group but he only looked at me. We had yet to break our connection since he approached me.
“Yes about that, listen we are sorry. I went home so I could change my shirt and by the time we got to Hals you had left.” Jamieson was clearly explaining everything to the group but he only looked at me. We had yet to break our connection since he approached me.
I told you they didn’t stand us up.” Audrey said.
we buy you drinks to make up for our unexplained absence?” Jamieson offered.
I said barely above a whisper.
sour, right?” He asked.
remembered?” Crap that wasn’t supposed to
come out.
hard to forget Jenna Middleton.” He said in very sexy deep tone with an equally
sexy grin.
knew it was crazy, but I couldn’t help but wonder if he too felt this
strangeness between us and if so, what did it mean.
* * *
bright lights of the bar came on signaling it was now time to leave, I
instantly felt disappointed. We had been talking for hours. It was odd having
such an intimate conversation in the middle of a packed bar but Jamieson had a
way of making me feel like I was the only person in the room. Our friends were
also busily getting to know each other and seemed to be thoroughly enjoying
house JW?” I heard Derrick ask from behind me.
would you like to continue this back at my house?” Jamieson offered.
looked at Audrey and Olivia for any hesitation.
do it.” Livy said boldly.
let out a light laugh. “Well after you.”
ushered me out of the bar with the rest of our friends never leaving my side.
When we got outside in the parking lot he hesitated just for a moment before
crossing the street to catch up with his friends who were waiting next to a
black Cadillac Escalade.
had driven her charcoal Audi so we piled in to follow the guys to Jamieson’s
only took us a few minutes to get to Huntsville Mountain. We pulled off the
main road and onto a long gated driveway. It was no secret Jamieson was wealthy
and I should have guessed he would live in this neighborhood but still I was
taken back as we passed mansion after mansion. We finally pulled up to a
sprawling southern estate. As I watched the large house grow in size as we
approached I felt my stomach dip low in my belly. I was clearly playing outside
of my league.
pulled up next to the Escalade and we all proceeded to bail out of the car.
Audrey and Livy excitedly chatted about the beautiful home we were entering.
Jamieson stood on the front porch in front of a massive set of dark black wood
He said to my friends as he guided them inside. I was close behind but taking
my time. When I reached Jamieson he flashed me his sexy grin. “Welcome to my
home Jenna.” I didn’t know what to say so I just smiled shyly in return.
followed close behind me as I made my way down the front hallway. I could hear
Derrick and Julian entertaining the girls nearby.
you like a tour?”
very much so.” I said eagerly.
smiled and lead me through the house to a beautiful sprawling living room. It
was gorgeous with its slate gray couches and dark wood flooring. There was a
huge TV mounted inside a beautiful white wood built-in that showcased a cozy
fireplace. In front of the couches there was a very inviting plush cream rug. I
pictured lying on the gorgeous rug snuggled in front of the roaring
fireplace with Jamieson. I felt my cheeks flush from my fantasy.
through here?” I asked trying to distract myself from my overactive
began walking toward the voices I heard earlier. I didn’t have to go far before
I was in the middle of a massive ivory white kitchen filled with our friends.
If there was a kitchen to end all kitchens this would have been it. All the
appliances were commercial grade stainless steel. The cabinets were white with
glass fronts. I was impressed at how organized all the dishes were aligned,
especially since Jamieson was a bachelor. That was not something a boy would
typically be concerned about, but then again Jamieson Wellington was surprising
me at every turn.
have a beautiful home Jamieson.” Audrey told him as he fixed a drink from the
bar that ran along the far wall of the kitchen.
many rooms is it?” She quizzed him. Audrey had always been interested in
architecture and interior design so I can only imagine what she was thinking.
but one bedroom I made into a study so really six.” He said nonchalantly
handing me a drink as well.
a bit big for a single guy.” Livy piped up from across the room.
I don’t live here alone. Derrick, Julian and Mitch all live here with me.” He
“So like a mini frat.” Livy said clearly trying to get a reaction.
“So like a mini frat.” Livy said clearly trying to get a reaction.
let out a low chuckle. “Something like that.”
like a mini playboy mansion.” Derrick chimed in.
statement sent a pang of jealousy shooting through me. I knew I had no right to
feel that way considering this was only the second time I had spent time with
Jamieson, but the idea of half-naked girls running through this house sent ice
water coursing through my veins.
think its GTA time!” Julian shouted.
do it!” Derrick agreed as he grabbed a couple beers from the fridge.
the fuck is GTA?” Livy asked the obvious question.
Theft Auto, baby.” Julian said excitedly.
mean the video game?” I asked totally perplexed at the thought these full grown
men would be this excited over a video game.
just a video game the best video game ever made!” Julian replied. The guys must
have finally understood that Audrey, Livy and I had no idea what they were
talking about. I’m sure our faces gave us away.
like we have three virgins here.” Derrick sneered and made his way to the
living room with his beers.
come on ladies we are about to show you what the hype is all about.” Julian
clamored. Audrey and Olivia followed behind him totally laughing at his boyish
stole a look at Jamieson to see if he shared Derrick and Julian’s obvious video
game obsession. He gave nothing away. He was softly looking at me with a light
smile playing on his lips. I shuddered lightly under his gaze.
haven’t finished our tour.” He said never breaking our connection.
I would love to see the rest of the house.”
lead me through the entire downstairs. There were three bedrooms on the first
floor. Mitch, Derrick and Julian all lived downstairs. Each of their large
rooms had their own on-suite bathrooms, which put most master bedrooms to shame.
There was also an additional full bathroom downstairs and a home gym.
I can’t even imagine what you would need an upstairs for.” I said to him as we
circled back toward the massive staircase in the front hallway.
me show you.” A wicked grin spread wide across his lips as he ushered me
the top of the beautiful dark wood staircase I could see inside what I assumed
to be Jamieson’s study. There was an enormous wood L-shaped dark wood desk that
held multiple computer screens.
office?” I asked.
He led me inside.
was exactly how I pictured it to be, sophisticated and intimidating, much like
Jamieson himself. I examined the many shelves and framed diplomas on the wall.
graduated from the University of Alabama?”
He said grinning at me.
too bad and here I thought you were damn near perfect.” I kidded.
makes too of us. I’m not usually attracted to Big Orange fans.” His confession
left me slightly breathless. He was
attracted to me. There it was, the truth I could feel deep down in my bones,
but the real question was what did he plan on doing about it?
Chapter Three
squinted my heavy eyelids half open. I didn’t recognize my surroundings. I
willed myself to try to sit up but the minute I tried to move I felt like I was
going to puke. Maybe I had already puked, I felt like absolute hell. My head
pounded incessantly and all my limbs felt like they were bruised. I knew I was
in a bed but the real question was whose?
“Good morning baby.”
That voice broke me out of whatever stupor I was in. I snapped my eyes open to
see a very naked Jamieson Wellington coming out of the bathroom. I quickly
scanned my surroundings. I was not in my Vegas hotel room with Audrey and
Olivia. No, I was in massive suite which I assumed belonged to none other than
Jamieson Fucking Wellington and much to my absolute horror I was stark naked in
his damn bed. Hope you enjoyed this sneak peek of my latest project that is coming soon!
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